Milad un-Nabi Mawlid – Saturday 22nd October

Assalamu Alaikum all

Alhamdulillah, we had a beautiful Muharram gathering at IQRA house last Sunday, Insha Allah everyone that attended and those involved in making it happen will reap the rewards from the Almighty. Ameen.

Just to give the community some early notice, the committee has set the date for Milad-un-Nabi this year for Saturday 22nd October 2022, (make sure to put it in your diary).

An event programme is in the works and will be emailed out and put on our website in the coming weeks, be sure to look out for it.

Insha Allah we look forward to seeing you all there.

Muharram Niyyaz

Assalamu Alaikum all

InshaAllah we will be holding a Niyyaz at Iqra house to mark Muharram on the Sunday 4th September.

We would like to start promptly at 2pm and finish around 5pm inshaAllah.

A small request to some of our youthful members, if a few can kindly stay until the end to help tidy away the tables and sweep the hall we would be most grateful.

JazakAllah keir, we are looking forward to seeing everyone at Iqra.

Salaams to all

MKCT Admin